Getting The Most Out Of Bloglovin
Most bloggers will be familiar with the website Bloglovin. A site which allows you to follow other blog's, let your own readers have an easy way to stay up to date with your posts and discover new blog related content. The way Bloglovin readers can keep in the know about their favourite websites new content is simply through a RRS feed, that the owner can also link to their own profile by claiming their blog through the Bloglovin.
You may or not be signed up to Bloglovin as a content creater and have no idea where to start with it! But today I'm here to tell you ways you can get the most out of Bloglovin. Whether you're a newbie to the content world or you're someone who has never got on with it right from the day you published your first post. I know that some people don't find it useful and don't see much point to it. But hopefully this post today will be able to help you understand Bloglovin a little better.
Follow others - One thing that Bloglovin allows you to do with ease is follow others. This might be friends who are also signed up to the site, your favourite websites/blogs that you love to read or you might perhaps discover new blog's through Bloglovin.
It allows you to keep in the know of when and what the content creater's you have followed have uploaded by featuring a preview of their posts within your home feed. It's an instant process. By doing this, it gives you (the reader) a chance to get a first inside scoop into what they're doing, without having to actually go over to the website. This means it's all in one place. All you have to do is simply click on the post that appears on your Bloglovin feed and you can easily read away with no hassle! Plus you can like and save for later at a a time to read when it suits you best.
It also gives you a great opportunity to discover and find new blog's to follow. This can easily be done through clicking on the Popular pages to see what's been trending lately or see what the people you follow are reading/liking by what they have saved to their profiles or whom they might have followed.
Gain followers - To help your readers stay in the know and keep your content all in one place, they have the option to sign up and follow you and your blog. There are a few ways you can make your readers aware of how to follow you through Bloglovin. First thing to do if you haven't already as a content creater is to claim your blog. This is so simple to do and takes little time. Read this post Bloglovin has produced for more help with that. Once this is done, your blog will now be linked to your profile page.
Gain followers - To help your readers stay in the know and keep your content all in one place, they have the option to sign up and follow you and your blog. There are a few ways you can make your readers aware of how to follow you through Bloglovin. First thing to do if you haven't already as a content creater is to claim your blog. This is so simple to do and takes little time. Read this post Bloglovin has produced for more help with that. Once this is done, your blog will now be linked to your profile page.
Now you've claimed your blog, next thing to do is to make your readers aware that they can follow you through Bloglovin and keep up to date with when you upload a new post. This can be done by promoting your Bloglovin link through social media to your following or advertise it at the end of each post you upload, along with any social media pages you might use. Another great thing to do is to add the Bloglovin widget to your blog page. Again, Boglovin have a help page for this here. Once this is set up, it means readers can simply click the widget and instantly follow your blog when on an internet browser or be redirected to your page through the app.
Another way that Bloglovin gives you an advantage to bring more traffic to your blog through followers is by your blog followers friend's being able to see your content or page appear on their activity feeds. If one of your readers decides to save your post because they enjoyed it or want to read it later, then this will appear in their friend's activity. This will increase the amount of people who are viewing your content just through a save or follow and if successful, will lead to more engagement within your post and traffic coming towards your blog through others.
Free promotion - As mentioned above, Bloglovin is great for driving traffic towards your blog. This means it's a great tool to use for promotional methods. Plus it's free and easy to use. The great thing about Bloglovin is the people who have signed up to the site are the people who fit your target audience. Of course there will be those who will prefer other types of blogs to the kind of content you produce. For example, your niche might be about food, but one user might enjoy reading travel blog's. But it's important to remember that everyone on there will be using the site to be able to read blog's in one place. This instantly fits into the main target audience all bloggers are hoping to reach out to and by moving forward you can attract those who fit the type of content you produce.
Free promotion - As mentioned above, Bloglovin is great for driving traffic towards your blog. This means it's a great tool to use for promotional methods. Plus it's free and easy to use. The great thing about Bloglovin is the people who have signed up to the site are the people who fit your target audience. Of course there will be those who will prefer other types of blogs to the kind of content you produce. For example, your niche might be about food, but one user might enjoy reading travel blog's. But it's important to remember that everyone on there will be using the site to be able to read blog's in one place. This instantly fits into the main target audience all bloggers are hoping to reach out to and by moving forward you can attract those who fit the type of content you produce.
By using Bloglovin, you can attract these readers to your blog and your posts. When someone has followed you or come across your post, the first thing they will be able to see is the first photo that features in your post and the title you have chosen. Therefore, it is important that you showcase the best photo you have for your post first and produce an eye catching title that's interesting to generate readers towards your post.
To do this, make sure your images are visually appealing, that they are effective and reflect the theme of the post well. With regards to headlines, make sure that they are eye grabbing, to the point and benefit the reader somehow. The more traffic you drive towards your posts, the more engagement you create and the more active your community will be.
Resource/Research - Bloglovin is also a great resource for research! As a blogger, you can use this site to gain inspiration for new posts. Whether this is specifically for new ideas or how to take your photos. By using the inspiration you gather from what you see on Bloglovin, you can create your own twist on things and taler ideas to suit you. It's also a great place to go for any help, advice and tips on anything you like. This might be blogging tips like photography, SEO, coding for your blog template or more personal issues like help with your health, relationships or fitness. There's so much helpful content out there.
Taking a look at the popular page is somewhere I find really helpful for when I'm stuck with blog ideas or want to find some new blog's to read. It gives you the chance to see what posts people are enjoying that week. The most popular page can be sorted out into categories to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for. These categories are normally organised into specific topics like, Art, Beauty, DIY & Crafts, Education, Fashion, Home Decor etc. There is literally something there for everyone!
Also the explore option is great for finding posts and blog's that are recommended for you without the hassle of finding them for yourself. Bloglovin uses the posts you have viewed or saved recently to find other content relating to what you might have previously liked. This will help you to find other blog's to follow and enjoy.
Stat's - One that we all try not to get too hung up over is checking your blogging stat's. It's one we all try to avoid because if thing's aren't going too well, it can demotivate us and get us down in the dumps. But our passion for this wonderful hobby always bring's us back up. However Bloglovin does offer you the chance to view your stats. By hovering over your profile icon on your web browser, click the tab that say's 'Blog Analytics' to be directed to your stat's page. This will show you how your following has grown throughout the month. I find this really useful to refer back to when I want to see my progress and give myself that little bit of self-esteem boost, by seeing how far I have come. From your stats, you can help set yourself some attainable goals to work towards that you can use if motivation might be low.