A Blogging To Do List


A Blogging To Do List
There's been many changes I've wanted to make to my blog for a really long time now and I've never seemed to get round to it for many different reasons. I also mentioned in my last post about how I've been feeling lately regarding blogging and some things I've tried to do to get my spark back. Therefore, I have decided to take the rest of May off from blogging. I feel like I need a much needed break away to get organised with my content and get back into a schedule of posting three times a week. There's also those changes I really want to start properly implementing on my blog and I thought it would be a good idea to share with you all what you can expect, as well as give myself something to refer back to over the next few weeks as I work hard to sort my blog game out once and for all. I hope you all understand that and can be patient whilst I carry out these changes:

Blog design - Now, my blog design has been something I've wanted to change up for the longest time. Since I don't earn a regular income, it's not something I really want to spend a lot of money on or if I could none at all. So resorting to finding a free theme is my top priority. I have a few I like and have tried out before, but I always struggle to get them to look just right and end up resorting back to my current theme. This time I am going to really take sometime out to just work on it and get whatever theme I go for to actually stick. Watch this space!

Blog header - Like my theme, my header has also really needed an urgent update for a while. I've had a few turns in designing my own and playing around with different designs, but again I am so fussy and want it to look perfect that I end up not using any. This time I am going to promise myself to change it up. Even if it's only a slight change in design. It just really needs a refresh.

Social gadgets - You can probably already see a recurring theme here, but I want to also switch up my social media gadgets on my side bar. These have been with me since I first created my blog nearly two years ago now (I know!!!!!). I really do need to change them and I think along with a nice new header and theme, everything will really tie in together and hopefully look more professional and sleek.

Update profile photos & about me page - I'm really hoping to go out and snap a few photos of myself now summer is approaching.  I really want to update my profile picture on my blog and on my about me page, which also needs updating and refreshing to keep it more current with how things are for me right now.

Post the content I 100% love - I think sometimes when you're going through a bit of a rut with your blog and find yourself running behind schedule, you end up rushing posts or not putting your 100% all into them. I feel like I have been guilty of this several times and I really want to stop doing that as it's never been me. Instead, I am really going to plan some content I truly feel passionate for and produce it to a standard that I really am proud of.

Get back to a consistent schedule - After daily blogging through blogmas, I will admit that it did really burn me out and whack all the inspiration out of me. Ever since I have not only lost my spark for blogging as mentioned, but I've also felt like I haven't been able to keep on my game when it comes to being consistent with my posting. I use to find it so easy to post three times a week with no real struggle. I want to go back to that as I really enjoyed doing it. Let's see if after this month off posting I can keep it up!

What's on your blog to do list?

Lauren x

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